Thursday, September 16, 2010

Therapy Has Been a Bust

The past few weeks Nicholas hasn't done well in therapy. He screams and arches out of the PT positions. His therapists have always said the older kids are the hardest because they can fight back to not do the therapy. They said babies are easiest because they can put them in the positions and they can't get out of them. I wonder if he is getting to the age of being a difficult therapy patient. We do the therapy on our own too, the therapist teaches us what to do and we do it everyday. Speech is the only therapy that he cooperates in. He is doing well too. He is mimicking sounds. Of course he isn't saying the same thing we are but if we say something he will make a noise back- that is very good. On Monday he had an audiology appointment at MUSC. The audiologist put him in the sound booth to test sounds and what he can hear. He responded to all but the very quiet sounds. Yay! She put three new volumes on his implant and was more aggressive with the increases. He cries harder when we turn it on but easily calms down.


  1. Love that picture:) Ahh... Nick hitting the terrible two's? Love that sweet boy!

  2. This is Grandpa Matthews. I have gotten to know Nick and he is very stubborn when it comes to doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it. I know he will get the moves down eventually and I have seen how hard it is to get him to want to cooporate at times. I feel ok about though him because the fact that he 'knows' what he wants and what he doesn't is, in itself, is encouraging.

  3. What a cutie in this pic. Looking more like daddy! It certainly sounds like Nicholas has hit the terrible two's. Your patience and persistence is remarkable. Keep up the great work.
