Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well Visit

Nicholas had a well visit with the pediatrician today. She is extremely pleased with how well he is doing. He is right on track with his adjusted age. His weight is 13 pounds 8 ounces, height 22 1/4 inches, and his head is 40.5cm. He is on the growth chart for weight and head circumference and almost on it for length. We also get to start rice cereal and then fruits and veggies. Only a teaspoon per feeding for now but I'm excited. He also got 3 shots and had to get blood drawn to check his hemoglobin. He did good for it all and whimpered instead of screamed.

The early interventionist called this morning and she is referring us to the School for the Deaf and Blind. They can teach us how to communicate with him and make sure he is getting all the services he needs in regards to his hearing. She said that the physical therapist mailed out a packet yesterday so once we get that filled out and returned PT should start.


  1. What a great picture! And glad to hear Nicholas is doing well! Anita

  2. Corrine, I wanted to let you know about a resource that I discovered through one of my classes. It is www.jtc.org and offers FREE services and resources. Thought it might be helpful. So glad to see Nicholas is doing well. I know just being at home helps a lot.
