Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No more feeding tube

Nicholas' NP discontinued his feeding tube today so all his feeds are by mouth only. He is allowed 85-90ml depending on how much he will eat. He is up to 10lb 2oz and is 19.7 inches long. He is going to start getting his vaccinations tonight and they will do one every night to space them out. He will get Tylenol and a surface novocaine to numb the area. They also give them sweeties which is a pacifier dipped in sugar water which stimulates the body's natural pain killer. That is nice because he wouldn't get any of that at the pediatricians office. They also lowered his oxygen to 1/4 liter. He is doing ok on it. He is satting in the high 80's and low 90's. Hopefully he will get used to it. His sats are supposed to be between 90-98%.


  1. Go Nick! Go! He's rounding 3rd and heading for home! I glad hear he had that feeding taken tube out. I know he needed it but it looked so uncomfortable...

  2. Oh Nicholas, you are looking good! It won't be long now before you're home. Hugs to all of you!

  3. We are jumping up and down with excitement for all three of you. Hope all things continue to go forward and Nicholas will be some soon. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

  4. So happy for you guys!!!It won't be long now he will be home. YAY!!!
